Website privacy

SI Connect UK is committed to complying with its responsibilities under data protection legislation including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. This section of the website sets out the basis on which your personal information is collected, processed and used.

This Privacy Notice is designed to explain how and why information about individuals signing up for events through this project and site is used and managed.

All of the personal information will be treated in accordance with the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  This means that confidentiality will be respected and that appropriate security measures will be taken to prevent unauthorised disclosure.  This notice is intended to meet the transparency requirement of the legislation and to ensure that all individuals in the categories above know how their data will be processed.

Using your personal information

Who will process my information?

Under Data Protection law the University is the “data controller”.  This means that the University is responsible for how it uses and processes your information and complying with requests relating to your personal data.

Why do we collect and use your personal information?

The University collects, holds and uses information about you through this project for the following reasons:

·       Administrative and financial management reporting confidentially to the European Commission in compliance with our project funding requirements

·       Communications necessary to your attendance at events associated with the project/this event

How long is the information kept?

The University will retain your information only for as long as necessary for the purposes of reporting to our funder the European Commission/British Council for the duration of the project.

Where do we obtain information from?

We obtain information directly from the individual themselves (data subject) through their registration for attendance at our event.

What information is being collected and used?

Information that is collected is your name, institution and organisation.

Who is the information shared with?

Your information will be shared internally only with those individuals who require it in the course of their duties for the running of the project and event.

Information will be shared confidentially with the funder of the project for audit and reporting purposes related to proof of attendance at events and participants involved.

 How is the information kept securely?

Information is kept securely on University equipment in line with University Information Security and Data Protection Policies.  Access is restricted to only those staff or authorised agents who require it and on a “need to know” basis.

Your rights

You have the right to:

·       Find out what personal data we process about you and to request a copy of the data

·       Ask us to correct inaccurate or incomplete data

·       Withdraw consent to process your personal data, if you were asked for and provided consent

If you think we are acting unfairly or unlawfully you can:

·       Object to the way we are using your data

·       Complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office

Under certain conditions you also have the right to ask us to:

·       Restrict the use of your data

·       Erase your information or tell us to stop using it to make decisions about you

·       Provide you with a portable electronic copy of data you’ve given us

Please contact us if you wish to exercise/enquire about any of these rights.

Contact Details

Data Protection Officer (DPO), Department of Governance, Britannia Building, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA, Email:

Legal basis for using your information

The legal condition which enables the University to process personal information is found in Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  In particular with relation to this event/project we rely on:

·       Article 6(1)(b) performance of a contract

Further information

The Information Commissioner’s Office website:

The University’s Data Protection webpages:

Further information is available in the Student Privacy Notice and Staff Privacy Notice:


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Cookies on our website 

SI Connect UK has been created via Squarespace. We therefore use Squarespace Analytics to monitor the website’s performance only (e.g. visits, bounce rates etc.). We do not share this information externally and only use it to monitor the performance of the website internally.